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13 Dating Rules That Will Make Him Marry You

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Dating rules

Dating Rules are a set of laid down guidelines which when properly adhered to, will cause you to experience unprecedented heights of success and pleasure in your dating life and your relationships as a whole. They will ensure you find and marry the man of your dreams. When you follow these guidelines, you get the very best out of your relationship because you treat yourself with respect.

You don’t give your date the impression that you are eager to get married rather let him know by your actions that you had a life before you met him and you will still have one even if he decides to leave today. You should never let him know you are hung up on him, let him see that you are not clingy or dependent, show him that you are confident and secure.

When you abide by these dating rules, men treat you with respect and come after you in floods, like bees after honey. You don’t attract men looking for one-night stands or a quick lay, you attract responsible men who have the same goal as you in mind, ‘Marriage’. These guidelines will ensure that all men harboring ulterior or negative motives are effectively screened out.

Only those who are well suited for you will stand a chance of winning the prize; You. What are Dating Rules? Well, they are guides on how to conduct yourself and act around men; a kind of ‘code of conduct ‘ that will make you stand desirably among other women. They will ensure you marry the man of your dreams and that he believes he is lucky to have you.

Dating rules are about treating the man you are crazy about like you were not. The reason is, men love challenges and if you give -into a man or express your feelings for him or interest too soon, you take the challenge out of the relationship and also succeed in destroying his interest or desire for you. This is why you need these rules to keep his desire and love for you burning forever.

You make him feel there’s something special about you, something other women don’t possess and this will make him go crazy for you. However, to get the full benefits of these rules, you must follow them from the day you meet a man, right from day one. Also, you will have to be consistent and patient.


1.  Avoid Staring At Men

Staring at a man sends only one message to him, ‘You are interested’ and this isn’t allowed. You must not let a man know you are interested in him or he will expect you to say yes to him the minute he mentions the word ‘date’ or ‘lovemaking’. You don’t stare at a man indicating interest and then say no when he asks you out for a date, he will think you are a big joke.

On the other hand, if you say yes, he will expect you to be eager to do whatever he suggests (including making out on the first date) and will generally not reckon with you. Then again, how will you ever know if your personality, beauty and charm swept him off his feet or if he only spoke to you cause he felt pity for you. Do yourself a favor, and don’t stare at men. Instead, let them stare at you.

You might ask, how do I acknowledge a man’s attention when he stares at me? Don’t. Just make sure you always appear approachable. The rest is up to him.


2.  Let Him Make The First Move

Dating rules for women

The easiest way to ensure you spend most weekends at home alone and worse still, that you don’t get any man to propose to you and as a result remain unmarried is to go about approaching men who catch your fancy. When you ask men out, call at their offices and homes every day, take them out and pay the bills as well, you would have effectively succeeded in putting them off.

If your goal is to get men to come after you, and keep coming after you in floods, then never ask a man out. Let him take the initiative, let him make the first move. If he is interested in you, he will. If on the other hand, he is not interested, he won’t. And that’s okay, ’cause you’re interested in those who will go the extra mile for you, those who are ready to make a case strong enough to win you through their actions, intentions, and persistence.

This approach should be maintained from the first to the third date by which time you should have had sufficient time to decide whether or not he is your type of man. Let this serve as ample opportunity for you to discover his true personality and intentions. Talk as little as possible.

It’s the smart thing to do when you’re with someone you have just met because it is a known fact that the more you talk, the more the chances are that you will say something stupid and we don’t want him to think you’re stupid, do we? I am not saying don’t talk at all, I am saying resist the urge to talk too much about yourself on your first few dates together; let him discover you gradually.

Concerning intimacy, don’t share more than a few kisses on your first few dates; don’t give too much too soon. If he insists on getting more or going further, tell him to take you home or you will end up giving in to those strong feelings of desire welling up inside you and later regret it.


3.  Never Accept His First Invitation For A Date

Casual dating rules

Make sure you don’t honor his first invitation for a date with you. If he is truly bent on dating you, he will try again. You’re free to honor the second date invitation but never the first. Accepting the first invitation makes you look easy and puts you in a position where you are less to be reckoned with, a position you truly don’t want to be in. It makes you look too eager.

So, play hard to get. Make it difficult for him to get you and he will appreciate you more at the end of the day. Make sure though, that when you turn down the first invitation, you do so as politely as possible. That way, the chances of his being hurt or offended are eliminated. When you finally accept his invitation for a date, don’t suggest places you could go (or you will look unnecessarily forward) unless he asks your opinion.

Be careful also concerning what sort of place you suggest. Don’t ask him to take you to a real posh expensive place, that will leave him feeling reaped off at the end of the day after he has paid all those exorbitant bills. Don’t take him to a cheap run-down place either, you don’t want him to think you’re cheap. Suggest someplace with moderate charges that offer good service.

Don’t make him spend his paycheck just to buy you dinner. Also make sure you appreciate his efforts to please you and show this with a heartfelt thank you and a smile, no more. Don’t try to show your gratitude to him by offering him your body, you don’t have to. Let your first, second and third dates serve as an opportunity to study him and find out if you truly want to be with him.

Listen to him with your head, not your heart. Weigh his words, access him, and check out his potentials, especially in the area of a pleasing personality. Is he disciplined, principled, honest, God-fearing? I don’t mean to be religious but I am sure you will agree with me that someone who does not have the fear of God is not likely to be capable of respect for you not to talk of loving you.

Don’t just concern yourself with finding out how much he has got in his bank account. I am not saying money is not important, but make sure you don’t get carried away by how much he earns and end up neglecting to check on those other qualities he must have to be Mr. Right. If you do, you may regret it. Make sure you carry out a thorough assessment.


4.  End Dates First, Be The First To Say Goodnight

When you go out on dates, make sure you end them first. Again the idea is, don’t let him get too much of you at a time, because if you end up spending too much time with him, especially at the initial stages, he will soon get bored and we don’t want that. On your dates, don’t be anxious about what to say. Let him take the lead and you follow his lead.

If he wants to talk about sports and you have something to say, talk about sports. If he says nothing and you have nothing to say, then don’t say anything. After a few hours (four hours tops) end the date. End it as nicely as possible. Let him know you have truly enjoyed yourself.


5.  Don’t Get Laid On The First Date

On your first date with a man, make sure you don’t get laid. If you do, chances are it’s all over. Even if you continue seeing each other (which would in itself be a miracle) he will look down on you, think you are cheap, and won’t trust you. So make sure you play hard to get, because, If you gave in to him that easily, he will believe you do the same with every other man.


6.  See Him Only Once Or Twice A Week

The desire to be with and spend every single waking moment with a man you are strongly attracted to is often extremely irresistible. However, if you want him to always run after you and go nuts for you, resist this urge. The less he sees of you at the initial stages of the onset of the relationship, the better. This is how it works.

By seeing him as little as possible (because you choose to) you unconsciously condition his mind to always be in hot pursuit of you. He will always want to see more of you. If he can’t get you as much as he wants, his mind will search for new ways to get your attention, to win your love, to make you his and this will eventually translate to more exciting and fulfilling dates. His mind is constantly on you.

The catch here is that once this mental process has been established in his mind, it will stick there and chances are the same intensity with which he will pursue and do anything for you at the onset of the relationship will be the same throughout the relationship and your marriage. So it is in your best interest to make efforts to regulate the amount of time you spend with him.


7.  Don’t Rush Into Making Out With Him

Never let a man rush you into getting laid. It is an act that though seems purely physical, is spiritual. You’ve got to be ready before you get involved with a man. Never put yourself under pressure by telling yourself -” he will look elsewhere if I don’t give in and satisfy him.” A man who will look elsewhere will, even if you give in to his desires twenty-four hours a day.

You can’t make a man fall in love with you by offering him your body, but you can strengthen a relationship that is already based on love by satisfying your partner’s needs. This angle of a relationship is an area you have got to take special care in dealing with.

While it is true that sharing your body intimately possess the capacity to create a stronger bond between two people who are already truly in love, you must not lose sight of its capacity also to destroy a young or budding relationship ever before it gets the chance to breathe the air of life.

Discipline is generally not pleasant, but it is necessary. Making out with a man much too early in a relationship will destroy his interest in you. If a man is truly meant for you, he will wait. If however, he breaks off the relationship because you politely refused the act, then thank your stars. You would have escaped being an easy lay for some creep.


8.  Remain Elusive- Let Him Want You More

So you’ve been on a few dates with your date and you now feel like you have known each other for a lifetime. Now what? Do you open up to him and tell him all about your life? Do you spend all your spare time with him each day after work and spend the weekend at his apartment like modern romance encourages? Don’t you dare!

If you are used to making yourself available to your date any time he calls you, I have got news for you, that practice has got to stop. You really can’t afford to be at his beck and call until he proposes to you. Even when he does, you will still have to use your discretion. Understand this, what makes a man propose and go on to marry a woman is his need to keep her forever.

Nobody wants to keep worthless pieces forever, but we all love to keep treasures. Make yourself seem like you are an unattainable goal like real treasure, and he will put in all he’s got to get you. Live a life that shows you have nothing short of respect for yourself. Treat him with love and care when necessary, but never let him think your life depends on him. I am not saying you should be rude or pigheaded.

Just don’t give your date the impression he has fully dominated or mastered you and that there is nothing new or special about you. In line with this, even though you’d love to go and get some ice cream with him every time he asks, deprive yourself sometimes and decline the offer.

Tell him you’ve already made plans with your girlfriends to do something else but always decline politely, and make sure you do go out and have fun with the girls. So he does the only logically reasonable thing, marries you. Isn’t that what you want? Don’t blow it; let him want you more.


9.  Never Give Him The Impression You Are Desperate To Get Married

Do that and he will be off on the next bus going south, just to get away from you. Never let a man know how much you need him to propose and marry you. This will instantly set off an alarm in his head and he will withdraw immediately. Men like the decision to marry a woman to be theirs, not the other way around. Never mention marriage to a man first. If he wants to marry you, he will bring up the subject.

If he doesn’t, he won’t. When you give a man the impression you are desperate to get married, he will become extra cautious around you. He will feel like you are trying to trap him and this will make him disappear or at least keep his distance. I would, however, like to recommend that you drop a man who dates you for as long as eight months, without giving you the slightest hint of wanting to marry you.

It’s true that a man takes the initiative and decides when and if he is going to marry you, but he doesn’t require a lifetime to make up his mind and you certainly haven’t got forever to wait for him. Don’t hang on indefinitely hoping someday he will propose, only for you to wake up one morning ten years later and he tells you he is sorry but he doesn’t believe things can work out between both of you.


10.  Move-In With A Man Only After He Has Married You

Don’t move in with a man unless he is your husband. That way he will know the only way he can get you to move in with him is to marry you. Staying together with a man who is not your husband under the guise of a ‘trial marriage’ is simply rubbish. There is no such thing as a trial marriage, you are either married to a man or you are not; don’t fool yourself and lose out in the end.

Moving in with him won’t make him feel an urgent need to propose and marry you. On the contrary, it will make him take things a lot easier than he should and maybe put off your wedding plans by a couple of years.


11.  Be Easy To Be With

Maybe you had hoped your date would take you to your favorite restaurant for a five-course dinner but instead, he opted for a burger and coke. Don’t get all moody and act like you just lost your favorite doll. Enjoy the coke today, tomorrow or some other day, you will have your five-course dinner. The reason is while you are hard to get, you have got to be easy to be with.

Once you have gone through the initial hurdles involved in establishing a relationship and you have built up a stable, committed relationship or maybe he has even proposed, let him feel relaxed and at ease with you always. If he has stayed with you all this while and remained persistent and faithful to you, he has proved his love for you and deserves to have you give him the benefit of doubt. Be honest and fair to him always. No cheating and no lies.


12.  Love Only Men Who Love You

Don’t waste your precious time and effort on men who don’t love you. It is an absolute waste, instead, work on men who love you and who you love. Several women spend their time and effort trying to get the attention and commitment of men who they are crazy about, even though these men have no wish to be with them.

Because these men do not love these women the way these women love them, they have no regard, consideration or respect for them. When you date or fall in love with a man who doesn’t love you simply because you feel he is the best thing in pants, you put yourself at a disadvantage and lose. He will hang out with you only when he finds it convenient for him and you will always be last on his list of priorities. Also, once he has had enough of you and feels he wants to settle down, he will dump you.


13.  Have A Life Of Your Own

Don’t be clingy and needy. Have a life of your own. Be busy, be your best self, be exciting and realize your potentials in the arts, business, and sports or in whatever areas you see yourself to be gifted. Everyone loves a winner and as you develop yourself (instead of waiting for him to create time to fit you into his busy schedule) he will appreciate you more and be truly proud of you.

Remember that you shouldn’t be tensed up and anxious cause you can get the best results when you let this ideas be implemented naturally.


Maintain healthy relationships by making sure you practice these dating rules in any romantic relationship you are involved in.

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