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How To Potty Train A Child

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Potty training age

As a parent, you should be ready for the growth process your child will experience. Potty training happens to be one of the things parents can do to aid the process of development their kids experience daily.

Potty Training is the act of coaching young children on how to use the toilet, this process includes talking, acting, directing, and also appreciating your child through a reward system that helps the child understand that good behavior has a profound reward.

A lot of parents bother about when to start potty training and wonder if their child has attained the potty training age. Of cause you don’t start potty training a newborn, there is a potty training age and there are potty training tips or potty training methods that you should use to make the process of transition from wearing diapers to no diapers an easy one.

Some of the popular methods that have proven to be efficient which will be discussed in detail in this article are the oh crap potty training method and the nighttime potty training methods.

Potty Training Age

The potty training process hinges its success on physical and behavioral development. The usual potty training age is from 18 to 24 months. Though some might not be ready until 3years old. Do not rush to start the child too early, it might frustrate you and make the process a futile one.

Potty Training Tips

Potty training tips

The following potty training tips should be used when trying to potty train a child:

1. Consider The Child’s Level Of Communication

You need to know how to talk to your toddler to prepare him or her for the potty training process.

2. Do Not Put The Potty In The Playroom

If you do your child might see it as another toy to play with and not something to be used for accomodating human waste.

3. Trial And Testing

Wear the child no pants, diapers, or underwear, but before doing this, make sure your child understands how to use the potty, knows how to express his or herself, and can communicate with you.

4. 2 Hours Night Shift

Take your child to the potty to pee every 2 hours at night. This training is effective though it will take a while for your child to get used to it.

5. Look Out For Signs

Boys will usually hold their genitals when they feel pressed. Alternatively, they could do what girls will likely do when pressed which is stamping their feet on the ground or getting restless. As a parent when you notice these signs you should tell your child to go use the potty.

6. The Reward System

Reward your child with something for using the potty by himself or herself. Clapping, cheering, and dancing with your child is also a reward for good behavior. This is a form of encouragement to the child so he or she can keep up the habit of using the potty. This method is a highly recommended one because the child starts to see the act of using the potty as something good and worthy of praise.

7. Out Doors Training

Drive with a potty in the trunk of your car, if you need to go out with your child but first, make sure he or she knows the potty is in the car because that sense of awareness is what will spur the child to demand the potty when the need to use it arises.

Potty Training In Three Days Or Oh Crap Potty Training

Oh crap potty training

If you desire to make sure your child is potty trained in 3 days, your desire can be fulfilled, you only need to be determined, follow the steps below and be consistent while doing so.

1. Get Ready

You have to be prepared for the process, by shopping for pants and underwears with your child’s favorite colors.

2. Educate your child

The first step to the entire process is making sure that your child knows it is time for him or her to stop using diapers as he or she has outgrown it. Also, let the child know potty training is something people of his or her age should be taught.

Day 1

Do not wear your child any Diapers, pants, or underwear, let the child be naked from the waist down, and teach the child to use words like I want to pee and I want to poop to describe the feeling to urinate and defecate.

Also, you should encourage the child to use the potty by praising him or her when this is done or giving a reward to the child and you should let the potty training process be everyone’s responsibility, so that if the child feels pressed he or she can talk to anyone living in the house about it and not just wait till you are around.

Another thing you must not forget is to teach the child to wash his or her hands after using the potty.

Day 2 and Day 3

Reinforce what you taught the child on day 1 about using the potty. Also, you can try visiting a playground around to make the learning process fun and make sure you take the potty along with you when going.

Also, before going make sure the child pees or poops and is not pressed before you leave. On getting there, observe the child from time to time to see if there are signs of restlessness that show the child is pressed and if you notice any signs direct your child to the potty.

Night Time Potty Training Of The Above 3 Days

You can decide to wear the child’s diapers or chose to do what I did with my son which is wearing the child no diapers and occasionally waking up to check on the child and take him or her to use the potty.

For you,

As a parent for the potty training process to be successful you have to be willing to invest your time into it. And throughout the process stay determined, be consistent, remain patient with your child, and always communicate with your child to better understand his or her feelings.

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