40 Deep Questions To Ask The Guy You Like
There are several categories of deep questions to ask a guy. They are deep questions to ask your boyfriend, deep questions to ask your crush, intimate questions to ask your boyfriend, serious questions to ask your boyfriend, flirty questions to ask a guy, deep yes or no questions, questions to ask a guy over text, get to know you questions for couples, and questions to ask your husband.
All these categories will make up a long list of deep questions to ask a guy and the truth is, some of these questions are hard questions to answer. You might now start to wonder why this long list of deep questions to ask a guy is necessary. Well, these are questions we need to ask to get to know someone.
Now that you have been introduced to the different categories of deep questions to ask a guy. It is time to discuss them in detail.
Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
Good communication is needed for relationships to thrive. A good way to kickstart discussions with your boyfriend is to ask deep questions. The following are some deep questions you can ask.
1. How Did You Know You Wanted To Be In A Relationship With Me?
You ask this question to know why your boyfriend feels the way he does about you and to know what he finds most attractive about you.
2. Were You Involved In A Relationship Before We Met?
Every girl wants to know if she is her man’s first. This question will help you know if your boyfriend was involved in any relationship before you both met.
3. Why Did You Break Up With Your Previous Girlfriend?
This question will only come in handy if your boyfriend was previously involved in a relationship before you both met.
4. What Makes You Happy?
You ask your boyfriend this question to know the ways you can please him and make him happy when he is sad.
5. What Makes You Sad?
This question will help you to avoid doing things that could make your boyfriend angry.
6. What Are Your Goals Or Aspirations?
You should ask this question to know what plans your boyfriend has for his future.
7. What Is Your Perception Of An Ideal Relationship?
This question should be asked if you want to know what your boyfriend feels a relationship should be like.
8. Do You Consider Yourself A Spiritual Person?
You ask this question when you want to know how compatible you are with your boyfriend in the area of spirituality.
9. What Have You Done, That You Most Regret?
To properly understand your boyfriend, you need to ask him deep questions like this.
10. What Do You Do When You Are Angry?
This question helps you to know how your boyfriend manages his anger and if you can help him in this area.
Deep Questions To Ask Your Crush
Your crush is someone who you have strong feelings for. When this person (your crush) finally gets to notice you and wants to be your friend, there will be a ton of questions you want to ask on your mind. And when an opportunity presents itself, you can ask these questions that will most likely spark up wonderful conversations. These are some of such questions.
1. Do You Consider Yourself An Introvert Or An Extrovert?
You ask this question to understand the temperament of your crush. And to consider how compatible you both are.
2. What Are Your Hobbies?
This question helps you to know things that your crush likes to do.
3. Which Food Do You Love The Most?
This question will help you to understand your crush better
4. What Is Your Favorite Type Of Music?
This question is one of the questions you ask to understand who your crush is.
5. If You Had A Chance To Make A Wish, What Would It Be?
This is a fun question you can ask your crush to pass time.
Intimate Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
To keep your relationship alive, intimacy is a must. You don’t just start getting intimate with your boyfriend, you have to start from somewhere, which is asking him intimate questions that can then lead to wonderful conversations and other nice things that you both wish to happen. Some of these intimate questions are:
1. What Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You?
This question is a good one to ask if you want to know, what your boyfriend appreciates the most.
2. Why Do You Love Me?
You ask your boyfriend this question to have a better knowledge of his intentions for you.
3. What Do You Consider To Be Your Weakness?
You can help your boyfriend in his area of weakness if you know what it is.
4. What’s Your Area Of Strength?
Just like your knowing your boyfriend’s weakness is good, knowledge of his area of strength is also beneficial to the both of you, as it will help you know how to work together as partners in the relationship.
5. Who In Your Family Are You Closest To And Why?
The answer to this question will help you to better understand your boyfriend as there is no better way to understand someone than knowing his or her background.
6. What Is The One Thing You Wish To Get As A Gift?
By asking this question, you will get to know how to please your boyfriend better.
7. Where Will You Like To Go On A Vacation?
This question will come in handy if you are both planning a vacation.
8. What Is Your Dream Life?
Ask this question if you want to know the kind of life your boyfriend wishes for himself.
9. What Is Your Dream House?
You can ask this question if you want to know what your boyfriend’s fancies.
10. Describe Me
This is a question you can ask to light up romantic sparks within your boyfriend and to have an idea of how he sees you.
Serious Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
Many times people in a relationship people just want to have fun, this is good, but it is also important that time for serious questions be factored in because these questions to a great extent give definition to your relationship and help you know if it has a future.
1. Do You Think We Have a Future Together?
This question is a very important one to ask if you want to know your boyfriend’s thoughts about the relationship.
2. What Plans Do You Have For The Future?
You should ask this question when you want to know, the plans your boyfriend is putting in place for his future.
3. When Will You Like To Get Married?
This question is a good one to ask if you want to know if your boyfriend is considering getting married and the time he intends to do so.
4. What Is Your Ambition?
If you want to know what your boyfriend deeply desires to achieve, this is a good question to ask.
5. What Is Your View Of Life?
You should ask this question to have a better knowledge of your boyfriend
6. What Are Your Core Values?
Our values define us. If you have a good grasp of the core values of your boyfriend, you will understand him better.
7. What Inspires You?
Whether it is the desire to change the world for good, have a better life or enrich yourself, people have different things that inspire them. This question will help you to know what it is that inspires your boyfriend.
8. What Skills Or Talents Do You Have?
The reply you get after asking this question will help you to know just how productive your boyfriend can be.
9. What Keeps You Going In Life?
This question helps you to know the best way you can motivate your boyfriend.
10. When Will You Like To Start A Family?
It is not enough to know if your boyfriend wants to get married someday. It is also important you know when.
Questions To Ask Your Husband
For any Marriage to be successful, couples have to communicate effectively. I gave details of this in one of my blog posts titled Secrets Of Happy Couples. The following are some good conversation starters for couples.
1. How Many Kids Should We Have?
You should ask your husband plan question, to know how best you can both plan your family.
2. What Family Values Should We Imbibe?
The identity of every family is the values they portray to the world. You should ask your husband this question, so you can both decide what values are most important to you.
3. How Do We Discipline Our Kids?
You must decide as a couple the ways you consider the best to correct your children.
4. What Names Do We Give Our Kids?
This is something couples have to discuss together
5. What Percentage Of Our Monthly Income Should Be Saved?
This is an essential question to ask for the well-being of the family.
For you
Thanks for reading this article to the end, I hope you get questions from this enormous list of deep questions to ask a guy and use them to start wonderful conversations with your loved one. It is however important for you to have deep questions to ask yourself before you consider asking your man the above questions, as this will help give better meaning to the whole process.
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