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How To Change Your Life When You Are So Sick Of It

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How to change your lifestyle

Life is beautiful, but along with its beauty comes different shades of good, bad, and ugly. When you get caught up in this unpredictable wind of life, you are left with no choice than to wonder how to change your life for the better. The question of how to change your life for the better is one that every human being has been confronted with at a point in time or the other.

This question stems from a careful examination of one’s life that results in that one resolving for a change, see details of this in my blog post titled 10 Hard Questions To Answer About Life. In the course of our sojourn as humans, when we get dissatisfied with our life situations, we start saying things like – I hate my life so much, I am not where I want to be in life, what am I doing wrong, I am tired of everything and everyone.

All these questions make one resolve to say I want to change my life. But it is not enough to just decide this, you also have to know how to change your life for the better. That is why in this article, I will be revealing to you how to change your life for the better by teaching you how to change your lifestyle, how to change your life in 30 days, how to change yourself for the better, and tips to change your life.

Tips to change your life


How To Change Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle changes can be quite challenging to make because they require lots of dedication, time, and support. But they can be achieved if you are willing to remain committed and follow through on your plan. Here are some tips to help you make the lifestyle change you desire.


1.  Make A Plan You Can Follow Through With

When trying to make lifestyle changes, most people make the mistake of wanting to create a plan that helps them fix their problems immediately, but it rarely works out this way. The best way to make changes in your lifestyle is to create a simple plan that you can follow through step by step to achieve the result you desire.


2.  Take Steps Gradually

After creating a plan you can follow through, the next thing you should know is that if you try to take all the actions on your plan once, you just might overwhelm yourself and still not achieve any result. So you should break down your plan into manageable steps you can undertake to achieve your desired change.

For instance, if you have anger issues, you don’t expect to get over it just by realizing that you have the problem. You have to create and undertake simple and actionable steps like knowing what triggers the anger and trying to avoid it, or in cases where you can’t avoid it, devising means to help you best manage your temper.


3.  Associate With People Trying To Achieve The Same Feat As You

Support is very important when trying to make a lifestyle change. It helps you to know that you are not alone and that you have people who truly understand your situation and have been able to overcome it or people like you who are also trying to make some changes in their lives.


4.  Seek Help

When trying to make lifestyle changes you should seek help from professionals like psychologists, or even people who had the same or similar problems and have been able to overcome them. The reason for this is that you need someone you can be accountable to, who will encourage you and monitor your progress.


How To Change Your Life In 30 Days

I used to feel tired of myself and hated my life so much, but I have learned how to stop hating now and decided to use that energy to make the changes I desire in my life because I realized we humans have the power to redefine who we are since our identity is capable of being shaped.

You can also do the same thing if you want to change your life. You can do it in the form of a 30 days challenge. All you have to do to be successful at this is to follow the following steps.


1.  Subject Yourself To Self Scrutiny

You have to properly examine your life and decide the areas you want to see changes. This is the first step to changing your life.


2.  Come To Terms With The Likely Effects Of Your Problem

After acknowledging that there is a problem that needs to be fixed in your life, the next step is to come to terms with what will happen if this problem is not fixed. The realization that this truth brings will inspire you to want to go all the way, to effect changes in your life.


3.  Set Goals For Yourself

Now that you feel properly motivated to undertake this change process. It is time to set achievable goals for yourself that will help you get the changes you desire.


4.  Be Ready To Make Sacrifices To Be Victorious

Be determined to go on with your action plan even if it means denying yourself of some pleasures.


How To Change Yourself For The Better

Change is the only constant thing in life. We are not static beings, we are dynamic, this means that making positive changes in our life is normal and should be encouraged. You can change yourself for the better if you are willing to acknowledge the area of your life that needs change and take achievable steps to realize this change you desire.


Tips To Change Your Life

The following tips will help you achieve the relevant changes you desire in your life:


1.  Be Willing To Change Your Routine

If making relevant changes to your life requires that you change your routine, you must be willing to go on with it.


2.  Set Goals

Set achievable goals for yourself that will help you to realize your desired change.


3.  Surround Yourself With Friends And Family That Are Supportive

While trying to make changes in your life, you need all the support you can get, so now is a good time to surround yourself with people who will encourage you and motivate you to accomplish the goals you have set concerning effecting changes in your life.


However bad your life situation might seem, know that you are not alone and that you can always change your life for the better. Here are some I hate my life quotes to motivate you in your journey of change.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Throughout life, people will make you mad, disrespect you, and treat you badly. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too- Will Smith

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear- Martin Luther King, Jr.


 For you

Always remember that true change starts from the mind. Set your mind right, and let every other thing follow.


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How to change your life in 30 days

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