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Why You Want To Rise Up Before Your Kids And How To Do It

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How to wake up before your kids

The early hours of the morning are always for me the sweetest part of my sleep. During this time, I am either deeply asleep or holding on to my blanket and enjoying my rest in the sheets until I again get to fall asleep. For me, it is no time to get up and start going about the day’s activities.

In fact, rising early for me can be likened to a  war between my mind and my body. My body wants to sleep and enjoy its peace but my mind says wake up, there is lots of work to do. Before getting married and having a child, I couldn’t get my self to rise early before anyone in my house. Then, when I met people who told me they loved to rise up early, the expression on my face used to be – really!

I used to feel this feat was unattainable until I got married and had my son. Then I understood that waking up early before my kid was a necessity. There are several reasons why I began to feel this way which I will share with you. They are:

How to get up before your kids


1.  Waking Up Early Allows You To Set The Tone For Your Day

Being a wife and a mother changes everything for every woman. Your husband and kids will from time to time demand your attention and you just have to share your time with them. So your day is practically not just for you alone. Waking up early allows you the time to enjoy the moment and decide how you want your day to go.

Once my alarm goes off, I start my day by enjoying some really nice jams. Songs like “I Smile” by Kirk Franklin and “Hello, Good Morning” by Diddy work perfectly for me. They put me in the right mood for the day and I start feeling like I am ready for the activities of the day.


2.   It Allows You To Do Things At Your Own Pace

Imagine waking up at the same time with your kids and they are all demanding different things from you. Well, your guess is as good as mine. You would have started that day on the wrong footing. The reverse will, however, be the case when you wake up before them. It allows you the opportunity to start off your day early enough so that when your kids eventually wake up, you are better prepared for them and do not feel under pressure to perform your duties but do things at your own pace.


3.  It Allows You To Plan Better

Waking up early has the advantage of giving you ample time to plan for your day and deciding ahead of time, the things that will enhance your productivity and those that wouldn’t.


4.  It Allows You To Be In Control

Rising up early puts you in control of your day. This is very good because your kids want to know you are in charge. They expect their parents to be calm, coordinated and focused. The good thing about this is aside from making them organized, your kids get to be responsible and start taking charge of their day too by being early risers.


5.  It Gives You Time To Do Things For Your Kids

Parents have several responsibilities. Waking up early allows you time to undertake these many responsibilities. For instance, I have to wake up early enough to prepare a meal for my family, do some chores and sometimes wake my husband up to start his day, if for some reason his alarm fails to do that. If I were not an early riser, all of these would have been a challenge to me.

Having stressed the importance of waking up early, it is good you know how to go about it otherwise all the aforementioned points will be unattainable. To wake up early, you should do the following:


1.  Sleep Early

It is important you sleep early if your goal is to rise up early. As I stated in one of my previous posts titled 5 Extremely Easy Ways To Beat The Monday Blues, where I quoted the popular saying early to bed, early to rise.


2.  Set Your Alarm

Alarm clocks help to remind people of the time of the day they have interest in. Setting your alarm the previous day before going to bed will help to alert you to the set time.


3.  Have A Motivation

You must have a motivation for wanting to wake up early. This is what makes the process a whole lot easier. Your motivation could be your desire to cook breakfast for your family, your desire to go early to work or any other thing worth forsaking your sleep for.

Having shared my secrets for rising early with you, I hope that you will henceforth be an early riser and by implication a better wife and mother.


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Why you want to get up before your kids

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