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5 Effective Ways To Beat Procrastination

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What is procrastination

Procrastination is a bad habit that has severe consequences in the life of people. That is why in these article questions like what is procrastination? how to overcome procrastination? how to avoid procrastination and strategies for overcoming procrastination will be addressed.

How to overcome procrastination

What Is Procrastination?

This is the act of putting, delaying, or deferring an action to a later time. Time and season are to everything under the sun, so we must appropriate events to their time and season to avoid delay because delay causes loss of time, and loss of time engenders loss of opportunity, which in turn attracts failure.

Causes Of Procrastination

To know how to avoid procrastination, you have to first of all know the causes. The following are the causes of procrastination.

1. Volume And Complexity Of The Task

The complexity of a task can make achieving any feat in it appear challenging.

2. Lack Of Motivation

How to avoid procrastination

We sometimes lack the motivation to embark on a task when we feel it is too big to accomplish.

3. Can’t Start!

On your marks! Get set! Go! Go is usually the hard part. But this shouldn’t be the case. Because of the piling resistance to doing something you know ought to be done, it becomes impossible to start.

House chores are usually common in this category. Clothes that ought to be washed are soaked, after some time, it stinks. According to Kenneth McGraw- The biggest wall to success is often just getting started.

4. Perfectionism

If you want to drive, you start by learning and after some time, you master the art of driving. But perfectionism hinders your will to start or engage. No doubt, you want to offer the best services or get the best results, but you need to get better by the day as you practice.

You see, problems arise when you set unreachable goals and fail to reach them.

5. All Or Nothing Mindset

This can also be referred to as the “The Greed Mindset” and it follows the thought pattern of what is the point of starting if it can’t come off the line as the best. Probably, the reason humanity has not reached her potential.

6. It Feels Like Work

Don’t focus on the task load, focus on the gains lest you make out of it boring and unpleasant tasks, then delay sets in, who knows for how long. Take a stride, start the puzzle. Task yourself and develop your cognition.
Perception, learning, and reasoning reduce tasks to games. Don’t delay.

7. Lack Of Self Compassion

Do not beat yourself anytime you fail. Stop thinking about past failures, stop talking about them, you press on to the good things ahead. “Let go of everything that makes you stop”. Let go of past mistakes and go on without suffering for days unending.

8. Lack Of Focus

One of the most frequent causes of procrastination is the lack of keenness. When you feel directionless, it plays out as having no definite purpose in life.

If you do not have any goals set, it is really dangerous because you will be lacking in focus as you have no targets. Lack of focus delves into different things. It breeds procrastination by stopping you from driving in your home runs as a result of no endpoint.

A good goal encourages you to take action because you don’t want to disappoint both yourself and those who believed in you and who may have also invested in your vision.

How To Overcome Procrastination

The following are strategies for overcoming procrastination.

1. Make The Task Less Dissuading

As much as you can, make performing the task easy and fun.

2. Discover Your Response

Recognize your excuses. How do you succeed in dissuading yourself? Know and recognize the strategies that can prevent you from making these excuses.

3. Set A Limit

Set a time limit for each task or goal you have to accomplish.

4. Be Compassionate

Take away any negative actions and utterances that are counterproductive. Forget the failures and past tense. Focus on the task ahead.

5. Start

Motivation follows actions. A- Piece at a time throws you back into action and keeps plunging you until you are done. Follow this step, it is helpful.

6. Write Out The Cost Of Procrastination

Rationalizing helps you activate your expectations which counters the emotional power to postpone tasks.

7. Imagine Your Future Self

Picture how wonderful it will be to have completed the task. It keeps you away from the instant gratification of wanting to differ it.

8. No Distractions

Keep away from things that have the power to distract you from the task or goal you have in mind.

9. Definite Plan

Set a specific time to begin and a chunky goal to achieve. Plan weekly, but tasks are done daily.

10. It Starts In Your Mind

Everyone I know who models a high level of excellence has won the battle of the mind and taken the right thoughts captive.

For you

Procrastination is a time killer, don’t get comfortable with it. Rather, choose to beat it each day and be the best of yourself.

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